Children should be allowed to be children, not to be sold

Children should be allowed to be children, not to be sold

NAME- Sasmita Basanga  (Name Changed)                                             Nandita Basanga  RESCUE DATE – 06th Feb 2021
AGE & GENDER–  11 years (Female)                                                          13 years (Female) RESCUE LOCATION– Khurda Railway Station
EDUCATION–  6th  & 7th   PLATFORM NO. – 01
PARENTAL STATUS  Father – Labourer &                                                      Mother – Housewife ADDRESS- Mayurbhanj, Odisha

 A lot happens within our environment . It may be hard to  believe but yet  true, a child having an extramarital mother will never have had a complete family and It is the lifestyle that may be traumatic for children .This is what happened with Sasmita & Nandita. 

Nandita, a 13 years old girl and her younger sister Sasmita , 11 years old from  Mayurbhanj district of Odisha were found with a person at Khurda Road Railway station on platform no. 1 by SOCH team. When the team interacted and tried to know the details about them, that man introduced himself as their father. When identity proof didn’t match with that person, doubt arose within the team. After a long counselling process the team was able to know that, a few years back their mother left their father and was living with that person in Surat. So from that time Nandita was staying with her maternal aunty and Sasmita was with her maternal uncle. They both are very interested in studies, but one day their step father and aunt planned to engage them into prostitution work for a small amount of money. So to make the plan into reality, on 6th February 2021,their step father took both of them to Khurda station from Mayurbhanj by saying to meet their mother who lives in Surat with him.

Then the Team shared every detail with the Child Welfare Committee (CWC) of Khurda and as per CWC direction, the team rescued both of them and produced them before Khurda CWC and took them to VJSS open shelter with food support and COVID formalities. Then the next day, their step father came with their aunt to take Nandita & Sasmita with them. But after many discussions and arguments with CWC Khurda, It was decided that both the children will stay in open shelter for their further need of care & protection and CWC Khurda filed a case against their step father and aunty.

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